Who to blame for Taliban takeover? Former Afghan envoy points finger at Kabul

WASHINGTON, Sept 8 (Reuters) – Roya Rahmani, Afghanistan’s first female ambassador to the United States who left her post in July, is clearly horrified by the Taliban takeover of her country. But she is not surprised.

In an interview, Rahmani accused the former U.S.-backed government in Kabul of a failure to lead the country and of widespread corruption that ultimately paved the way for the Taliban’s victory last month.

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Analysis: The West owes Qatar a favor over Afghanistan. That was the point

DUBAI, Sept 8 (Reuters) – Since the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the world’s top diplomats have been beating a path to Qatar, long the gateway to the Taliban and now the essential go-between as the West tries to deal with the new Kabul government. This is no accident.

Analysts describe Qatar’s emergence as a broker in Afghanistan as a part of a carefully nurtured strategy by the tiny but rich state to bolster its own security, by becoming indispensable as a venue for international mediation.

Read full article (Reuters)

Resettlement Schemes for Afghan Nationals

As of 31st August evacuation flights have stopped. Some countries are offering resettlement schemes and programs for Afghans who have worked with their military and other organisations (local staff) and other groups of people such as journalists, scientists, etc.

The list below points to further information about these schemes for each country. The pages contain information for people who want to leave Afghanistan as well as people in the respective countries wanting to help them, eg landlords offering accommodation.