Tag Archives: Resettlement

Resettlement Schemes for Afghan Nationals

As of 31st August evacuation flights have stopped. Some countries are offering resettlement schemes and programs for Afghans who have worked with their military and other organisations (local staff) and other groups of people such as journalists, scientists, etc.

The list below points to further information about these schemes for each country. The pages contain information for people who want to leave Afghanistan as well as people in the respective countries wanting to help them, eg landlords offering accommodation.

Resettlement Support: United Kingdom (Updated 09/09/21)

Update (09/09/2021): The UK government has released a factsheet for people evacuated from Afghanistan. It provides information on rights and the next steps regarding immigration status in the UK – read more GOV.UK

After the flights airlifting British citizens and local Afghan allies have stopped, the UK government announced that the Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy (ARAP) would be updated to show the government’s commitment to protect the Afghan citizens who worked with and for UK organizations and help them evade the risks they are exposed to in Afghanistan.

Below we collect the latest information about ARAP and other related programs to provide an some guidance and overview for eligible people on what schemes exists, who is eligible, how to apply, etc.

Continue reading Resettlement Support: United Kingdom (Updated 09/09/21)